Example sessions
To get an idea of the the sessions we will be running here are some example projects. More experienced Codos will simply do more add-ons to create more weird and wonderful creations
Intro to Microbit
Aim: Understanding the Microbit and the blocks used to code it.
Get the buttons to do somethings
Make a dice
Extension: Create programs for all the Microbit inputs ( 3 buttons, shake, noise etc.)
First coding statements
Aim: Use an if statement and a while loop
Display smiley faces using the input buttons
Make a code checking input
Extension: Combine several inputs. Create a code that gives instructions to next press and time the user
Create a timer toy
Aim: Use a while loop and a timestamp
Create a 5s timer check toy
Extension: Make the user select how long the time should be
Connecting Microbit to electronics
Along with coding we also love doing a bit of wiring here a Codos,
Aim: Understand a simple circuit with a LED
Project: Use the Microbits outputs to light up an LED
Extension: Endless