
As I am setting up this session and exploring the world of coding for fun I will capture my adventures in a blog, watch this space!


After a bit of a lull (ok 2 years after setting this up) I am back online.

In 2021 I held a 6 weeks course with some friends' kids online. This was really rewarding and motivated me immensely. At the same time however I got a part time role as a Senior Analyst and planned to settle into that before I took any further steps.

Since them Little Coders have remained in my heart but I knew that I had owed it a proper go next time.

I think that time might have come. I have made a plan to launch in March 2023, this should give me a good chance to get everything ready and give it the attention is deserves.

Over and out.


Changed working title from Codos to Little Coders and I have hope I've sorted out the URL issue to be live today :)

Also been thinking about social media and how the terrifying world presented in The Social Dilemma affects how I think about working with kids and coding. I have concluded that it is something that needs to be tackled heads-on. I put some principles in the "Safeguarding" part of this website and the key principles are:

  1. Kids should not be encouraged to give likes and comments online in public spaces to their peers. It may seem innocent but the lack of "likes and comments" is as damaging as bad comments. Encouragement and celebration should be done in person, this means sharing results in classes and at home with your parents!

  2. Coding is the new literacy, this is stated quite a lot nowadays but couldn't be more true! The more we know about a subject the easier it is to spot problems with it. The more the next generation knows about how computers and algorithms work the better armed they are to cope with it.

So on the whole I feel positive even though the new UK lockdown means I can no longer start my trial classes but I'm keeping busy with my new raspberry pi robot.


Got this site up and running but with no custom URL yet!